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博禄:“农场到餐桌”论食品安全的环境与发展——访博禄公司包装部副总裁 Laurence Jones 先生

更新时间:2016-05-04 18:05:23 来源:中国塑膜网编辑部




——访博禄公司包装部副总裁 Laurence Jones 先生 


食品包装在软质包装市场占有很大的比例。博禄公司在食品包装领域一直做着很大努力,在雅式橡塑展期间,中国塑膜网与博禄公司做了一次深入对话。禄公司包装部副总裁 Laurence Jones 先生 幽默谈吐以及对包装市场的信心感染我们。


PFC: Food packaging accounts for a large portion of the flexible packaging market. How is Borouge 's current state of operation/situation in the food packaging area ? What are your long-term plans ?

塑膜网: 食品包装在软质包装市场占有很大的比例。博禄公司在食品包装领域目前的经营状况如何?又有什么长远计划?

Laurence Jones :Late last year and early this year we started up our Borouge 3 complex which increases our overall capacity from 2 million tonnes to 4.5 million tonnes per year. This increased capacity allows us to keep pace with the rapidly increasing flexible and rigid packaging markets. In addition to increasing capacity for products made with our unique Borstar® technology, we have now introduced high pressure LDPE into our product mix.

But we are not standing still. We are continuously upgrading our product mix with application focused developments and incorporating the latest manufacturing technologies to bring the next generation of Borstar® based materials to market.

Laurence Jones :去年年底和今年年初我们开始了博禄三期的投产和供应,我们的整体能力从200万吨增加到450万吨。这些增加的产能力使我们能够更好地跟上软质包装和硬质包装快速增长的市场步伐。值得一提的是:博禄三期除了增加我们独特的北星Borstar®双峰聚合技术的生产和供应之外,还增加了高压聚乙烯的生产和供应,这使我们的聚烯烃产品线更加完整。



PFC: What kind of food packaging are Borouge products are target at? Can you share some of your specific success stories?


Laurence Jones :This is a long list from beverages to frozen foods to microwaveable meals. But let’s talk about an interesting development that’s occurring right now in China.

China is leading the world in its rapid growth of e commerce, which has triggered a huge growth in the use of courier packages. Where this links to the discussion in food packaging is the new requirement for frozen food ordered on line and delivered to your door in high performance plastic packaging. Our Borstar® PE products are uniquely positioned to provide high package integrity at low temperatures, while allowing the courier service to downguage the film for sustainability reasons. Who would have believed this possible just a few years ago?

Laurence Jones :博禄有一长串食品包装的成功案例,从饮料,零食,冷冻食品,到微波炉餐,覆盖食品包装的各个领域。但是,让我们讨论一下现在发生在中国另一个有趣的市场和应用。



PFC: With improvements in living standards , there are more functional requirements for food packaging. Can you share with us what are the market trends in food packaging ?


Laurence Jones :There are many trends in food packaging from basic aesthetics, where the appeal of the package to consumers becomes a major driver of the purchasing decision; to the latest developments in smart packaging that can tell you if the food inside the package is still good to eat. At the end of the day, the over-riding function of the package is to preserve the goods inside with zero wastage. So, whatever we do in new packaging development, this is still the core principle that will never go away. At Borouge, we are working with many concepts for improving packaging integrity while reducing the amount of polymer used and making the package re-usable and/or recyclable. This is real sustainability in action – preserving valuable food resources while reducing the impact on the world’s other resources.

Laurence Jones :食品包装有许多趋势,大部分是基本美学的角度,包装对消费者的吸引力直接决定了产品销量。智能包装是另一个的最新发展方向,包装可以告诉消费者内在的产品是否仍然新鲜、仍然美味。总有一天,包装能够更完美地保护内在的产品,实现食物零浪费。所以,无论我们在包装上如何创新,都离不开这些核心原则,永远不会。在博禄,我们不断致力于改善包装的完整性从而减少塑料的使用量;使塑料包装可以重复使用或易于回收再生。这是真正的可持续性的行动,保护宝贵的粮食资源,同时提高包装的使用效率减少因为塑料包装的生产而对世界其他资源带来的影响。

PFC: The "farm to table" concept has been a hot topic in China. The core of this concept refers to the stages of food production: cultivation, harvesting, processing, storage and transportation, retail and the consumer – and how to ensure efficient food processing and food safety in each stage. How Borouge products help ensure this?


Laurence Jones :As you look around our stand here at Chinaplas, you will see the positive impacts we have at each stage of the food value chain.

It starts at the farm. By using Borstar® based polyethylene greenhouse film with its unique diffuse lighting capability, coupled with Aquility® irrigation pipes to manage the watering and fertilization of the plants, you start to remove significant risks from food production - by controlling the growing environment. In this way you can increase food yields significantly.

Once the food is produced, it needs to be preserved in the transportation and retail areas of the value chain. Here Borstar® based packaging materials play their important role.

However, for the packaging we should not consider the chain stops at the table. How we dispose of the packaging waste is of vital importance for the environment. This is why we work with brand owners to develop re-usable and recyclable packaging – regardless of whether it is rigid or flexible. We at Borouge truly believe that our responsibility does not end when we sell plastic pellets to a converter. We believe we have an obligation to build real sustainability into every product we develop and sell. This has been a core pillar of Borouge’s strategy from the day the company was formed in 1998 and is even more valid today than it was then…

Laurence Jones :环视博禄公司在中国塑料展的展台,你会看到我们在食物供应链每个阶段都发挥着积极的影响。


食物在长成和收获之后,它们需要被有效的保存、运输,并通过产业链各个阶段包括零售最终到达消费者手中。Borstar®双峰包装材料在这个过程中起到非常 重要的作用。


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